| Why this pandemic – Babaji answers… |

On Namah Shambave ????

Here is an important message from Babaji that I am placing before all of you. I hope and wish that all of you will mull over it and do something about it.

I was sitting with Babaji yesterday evening, in Swami’s mandir. During our conversations, Babaji prompted me to ask of Him any questions that I wanted to. I thought for a while and asked Him, “can you not provide a cure to mankind, for this illness that has afflicted people all over the world, as they are unable to find any cure for it themselves?”

Babaji said in reply to my question that this is a decision made by Nature, which even God cannot change. Mankind has bled countless innocent and dumb animals; at times to satisfy their tastebuds, at times to satisfy other needs and at times even as sacrificial offerings to God, while they drowned their yelps or bleats or screams in the sounds of their drums and horns. Mankind has bled innocent beings every year and this too is a form of pollution only He continued. This imbalance has been on the rise and was reaching its outer limit when the Australian Bush fires broke out, killing innumerable dumb animals. The outer limit had been breached! As a result, entire mankind is facing the wrath & power of Nature in the form of this pandemic which is going to persist all throughout this year. Nobody can stop this.

I again prayed and asked Babaji, pleading that there must be some solution to this pandemic. No doubt mankind has blundered and is paying the price for it but there must be some way out, I prayed.

To this Babaji replied that this imbalance is due to the atrocities wrought upon the innocent & dumb animals. If mankind reverts to worshipping animals by caring for them, loving them and putting an end to the atrocities heaped upon them, the balance in Nature will be restored and Nature’s fury too will subside gradually.

In response to Babaji’s guidance, I asked Him with humility as to why He is not telling the world to stop these atrocities on animals and love them instead.

To this Babaji replied, “who listens to me? Today, nobody is interested in listening to the Truth.”

And then there was silence all around …????