| Daily Inspirations |

| 24th March 2021 |

Do not waste your life away by continually sitting and losing yourself in thoughts. You would not even know how many lives since you have simply been thinking and thinking. You have no idea how many lives you have frittered away thus, merely in thinking. Inertia has become a habit with you now, for you don’t move anymore! Until when will you just keep thinking thus? I am exhorting you now, to arise and move! I have come not to teach you, but to awaken you! - Babaji


बैठे बैठे विचार ही करके जीवन को मत गंवाते रहना। न जाने कितने जन्मों से तुम केवल विचार ही कर रहे हो। न जाने कितने ही जन्म तुमने विचार में ही गंवा दिये। बैठना अब तुम्हारी आदत हो गई है,अब तुम चलते ही नही। कब तक सोचते रहोगे?आवाज दे रहा हूँ तुम्हे, उठो और चलो।। मै तुम्हे सीखाने नही,जगाने आया हूँ।। बाबाजी।।


| 23rd March 2021 |

Go back into time. Turn back a few pages of your life's story. Research your past a little, dig into it. You will find that ultimately only what had to happen, transpired! It was in vain that you became so anxious about it in between. It would have happened nevertheless, even in spite of you! Victory to the world! - Babaji


पीछे लौटकर देखो।जरा अपने जीवन की कहानी के पन्ने पलटो।जरा अतीत मे खोजबीन करो, जरा खोदो अतीत को। तुम पाओगे; जो होना है वही होकर रहा है।तुम नाहक ही बीच मे परेशान हो लिए।तुम्हारे बिना भी होकर रहता।।जय विश्व।।बाबाजी ।।


| 22nd March 2021 |

This entire life that you refer to is nothing but a very deep slumber wherein; you do a lot but nothing really happens, you walk a lot but do not reach anywhere. Wherein you perish, but do not really live! Victory to the world! II Babaji II


पूरी जिदंगी जिसे तुम जिंदगी कहते हो, वो एक गहरी नींद है; जिसमें तुम करते बहुत हो, होता क़ुछ भी नही; चलते बहुत हो, पहुँचतें कहीं भी नही; जिसमें तुम मरते हो,जीते नही।।जय विश्व।।बाबाजी।


| 19th March 2021 |

To understand “Who am I,” what does a Yogi do? What does he sacrifice? He sacrifices the feeling that “All this is mine,” and says nothing is mine. As long as you think “everything is mine,” until then you will not be able to truly understand your true self. To say “This is mine” is greed, but when you reach the stage where you say “Everyone is mine,” that is Love, that is beyond Ego. - Babaji


| 18th March 2021 |

Paramatma, the Supreme Consciousness is dancing in all the four directions. That moment when you too will understand this, how will you stop or hold yourself back; you too will dance and sing in unison. Victory to the world! ~ Babaji


चारो तरफ परमात्मा नाच रहा है।जिस घड़ी तुम्हे ये समझ आ जायेगी,फिर तुम भी कैसे रुकोगे;तुम भी नाचोगे;तुम भी गाओगे।।।जय विश्व।। बाबाजी
